Yup, that same code but in polar coordinate.

I use nabla operator for cylindrical coordinate but ditch the z component.

It means to compute 2d diffusion equation just like previous post in polar/cylindrical coordinate, and all went to wrong direction, :) Still trying to understand matplotlib mplot3d behavior import scipy as sp from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3 import matplotlib.animation as animation #dr = .1 #dp = .1 #nr = int(1/dr) #np = int(2*sp.pi/dp) nr = 10 np = 10 dr = 1./nr dp = 2*sp.pi/np a = .5 tmax = 100 t = 0. dr2 = dr**2 dp2 = dp**2 dt = dr2 * dp2 / (2 * a * (dr2 + dp2) ) dt /=10. print dt ut = sp.zeros([nr,np]) u0 = sp.zeros([nr,np]) ur = sp.zeros([nr,np]) ur2 = sp.zeros([nr,np]) r = sp.arange(0.,1.,dr) p = sp.arange(0.,2*sp.pi,dp) #initial for i in range(nr): for j in range(np): if ( (i>(2*nr/5.)) & (i<(3.*nr/3.)) ): u0[i,j] = 1. #print u0 def hitung_ut(ut,u0): for i in sp.arange (len(r)): if r[i]!= 0.: ur[i,:] = u0[i,:]/r[i] ur2[i,:] = u0[i,:]/(r[i]**2) ut[1:-1, 1:-1] = u0[1:-1, 1:-1] + a*dt*( (ur[1:-1, 1:-1] - ur[:-2, 1:-1])/dr+ (u0[2:, 1:-1] - 2*u0[1:-1, 1:-1] + u0[:-2,1:-1])/dr2+ (ur2[1:-1, 2:] - 2*ur2[1:-1, 1:-1] + ur2[1:-1, :-2])/dp2) #hitung_ut(ut,u0) #print ut def data_gen(framenumber, Z ,surf): global ut global u0 hitung_ut(ut,u0) u0[:] = ut[:] Z = u0 ax.clear() plotset() surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, alpha=0.7) return surf, fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') R = sp.arange(0,1,dr) P = sp.arange(0,2*sp.pi,dp) R,P = sp.meshgrid(R,P) X,Y = R*sp.cos(P),R*sp.sin(P) Z = u0 print len(R), len(P) def plotset(): ax.set_xlim3d(-1., 1.) ax.set_ylim3d(-1., 1.) ax.set_zlim3d(-1.,1.) ax.set_autoscalez_on(False) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) cset = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, zdir='x', offset=0. , cmap=cm.coolwarm) cset = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, zdir='y', offset=1. , cmap=cm.coolwarm) cset = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, zdir='z', offset=-1., cmap=cm.coolwarm) plotset() surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, alpha=0.7) fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, data_gen, fargs=(Z, surf),frames=500, interval=30, blit=False) #ani.save('2dDiffusionf500b512.mp4', bitrate=512) plt.show() .

Baca komen seperti  "Permainan gitar Eross pecah banget...." di Youtube, hati langsung panas.

Berani-beraninya menghina sang maestro, sana, ke comberan sana, tempat asalmu, ...

Eh, tunggu...

Itu bukan hinaan, itu pujian...

I wrote the code on OS X El Capitan, use a small mesh-grid.  Basically it's same code like the previous post.

I use surface plot mode for the graphic output and animate it.

I got it from here, but modify it here and there.

Suppossed we have two array a and b

If we want to set b as finite difference result of a, we may tempted to do this

for i in range (9): b[i] = a[i+1]-a[i]

There's another (faster) way. The performance's close to the pure C, :)

b[:-1] = a[1:]-a[:-1]

What's that?

Numpy has slice form for array.

Sepertinya ada (banyak) yang mengartikan sebagai kendaraan bebas berjalan di manapun, bahkan di tempat yang saat normal gak bisa dimasuki, :(

(hampir ketabrak sepeda motor yang dikendarai mahasiswa berboncengan  di jalan antara gedung MIPA dan Fisika)


I used textfile variable to write to a file (or create it if it don't exist). CSV file? Just make sure that the name at assignfile  command had .csv extension, :) Of course we have to format the output to meet the CSV standart; separated by comma. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fileku:textfile; i,j,n:integer; begin n:=10; assignfile(fileku,'data.csv'); rewrite(fileku); writeln(fileku,'tadaa...'); for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to n do begin writeln(fileku,i,',',j,',','data',i,j); end; end; closefile(fileku); end; .

“I definitely didn’t have time to get my soul cast into a place I couldn’t even pronounce.”

Typical Rick, :)

Sepatu basah kena hujan. Gak bawa serep. Nyalakan AC, gantung di depan kipas, tunggu dua jam, :)

Here's the WineSkin version. I found it's way smoother than WineBottler version, ...., but hard to figure how to use it To install Delphi in OS X using WineSkin, we have to download and install Wineskin, of course, :) Open Wineskin Winery.app Make sure you have a Wrapper version and an Engine Select the Engine you want to use (I use WS9Wine1.7.52) Press the Create Wrapper button Enter in the name Delphi (or whatever you have in mind) for the wrapper and press OK When its done being created, click the button to view it in Finder in the finished window Close Wineskin Winery.app. Right click Delphi.app in Finder and select “Show Package Contents” Double click and run Wineskin.app. Now click on the Install Software button Select to choose a setup executable Navigate to the Delphi setup exe file you downloaded in step one Select the setup exe file and press the choose button At this point Delphi setup should begin, go through the Delphi setup like a normal install After the setup is done, back in Wineskin.app, it should pop up asking you to select the .exe file Choose the delphi32.exe file in the drop down list and press the Select Button Now press the Quit button to exit Wineskin.app Back in Finder, double click Delphi.app and start coding It has the same problem with WineBottler,  the toolbar tab's seem order by itself alphabetically, so the default toolbar tab is not ' standard ' tab but 'additional' one code unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; jalan:boolean=false; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin jalan := not jalan; if jalan = true then button1.Caption:='Stop' else button1.Caption:='Run'; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin button1.Caption:='Run'; end; end. .

I use WineBottler to install Delphi 7 on my El Capitan. It's installed, it can run. The one that tickle me is the toolbar list is scrambled, it's sorted alphabetically, so additional toolbar is in the first and act as default toolbar.

Jangan memandang layar di jam-jam tidur, baik layar TV, komputer, handphone.

Misal terpaksa bekerja dengan komputer di malam hari, gunakan aplikasi seperti flux. Aplikasi ini menghilangkan warna biru di layar.

I tried several time to no avail. 

It's just not working for me. 

Maybe it's my drumming posture on throne, or other cause. 

It's hard for me to lift my heel, so I use heel down technique all the time, :)

Is it fast? 

Not really, but  it's enough for my genre of music.

Mulai ramai tulisan mengeluh tentang hujan yang tak kunjung henti

(ingat saat kemarau panjang kemarin)



Terlepas dari kontroversi.

Tim yamaha factory hebat.

Di depan tak bisa di-overtake

Di belakang mengovertake 22 rider di depannya


Setelah beberapa bulan membaca status bernada mengeluh karena gak hujan-hujan, sekarang siap-siap membaca status-status keluhan karena hujan, :D

:) Yeah, I use OS X El Capitan in My Macbook Air and use Wine Bottler to install it. Make sure that flash option is ticked in winetriks part

Kode berikut digunakan untuk mencari nilai integral dari a ke b sebuah fungsi f(x).

Saya menggunakan modul Numpy untuk fungsi pangkat (power).

from pylab import * import numpy as np def f(x): y = np.power(x,3)+np.power(x,2)+x+1 return y dx = .1 a = 0. b = 1. x = a c = 0.

...and display it in html format using div tag with border so the files in subfolders will displayed in box, and files in other subfolder will displayed in other box. If subfolder have subfolder, then files inside that sub-subfolder will displayed inside box inside box, :s :P :D The Algorithm itself is bit like this previous post. OK, I copy and paste a little bit of,..., ok most of code from it. All by Google App Script. I use string variable named text to receive all output. Basically, after the script is completely executed, the content of variable text  is complete html source code. :) Here it is Code.gs

I have text a variable with string type, I want to pass it to a function and change the value there just like previous post (using list type)

but, text variable value can't be changed by  passing to function like list (or array). I didn't have append or push syntax.

By definition, keripik pisang is pisang goreng, :D


Pohon dan rumput berpesta. 

...dan aku basah kuyup.

Minggu Sore, :)







Akan seru jika di Valencia nanti para rider (sambil cengingisan) minggir memberi jalan Rossi tuk bertarung dengan Lorenzo.

(seru dan aneh, :) )

(well, kecuali Marquez mungkin, :) ).

(gak mungkin, :) ).

“Hearthstone Passes Out Even More than Jason Grace (Though I Have No Idea Who That Is)”

Excerpt From: Rick Riordan. “Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer.” iBooks.

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