The OS X filesystem, HFS+, by default is in read-only mode in my ubuntu.

So I installed hfsprogs using

sudo apt-get install hfsprogs

(you have to enable universe package-source)

to mount the "Macintosh HD", use this

$cd $mkdir osx $sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sda2 osx

Nevertheless, it still mounted as read-only, and some folders refused to open at all.

Here the trick. We have to have same uid as the os x.

so, create new user

sudo useradd -d /home/newuser -m -s /bin/bash -G root newuser sudo passwd newuser sudo usermod --uid 501 newuser sudo chown -R 501:newuser /home/newuser .

by default the first user on OSX has an uid 501.

Now, as we have the same uid on linux and OS X. We could freely read the filesystem.

Sepertinya tahun depan tidak akan ada kebakaran hutan,

tak ada asap, 

karena tak ada lagi yang bisa dibakar.

I got the problem because using 'recursive' as function name, :)

At least now I know that, :)

The next? Beautifying the result, :D 


Sepuluh hari gak ketemu, :)

Jika MotoGP Sepang gagal karena asap, maka Rossi cukup finish ketiga di Valencia untuk jadi juara dunia, :)

Trik Old Shatterhand di Llano Estacado untuk mendatangkan hujan sepertinya tak berhasil di sini.

I have trouble accessed it within function,

so I pass it to every function,

not so elegant solution, but it works, :) .

In the code below, I have global variable named list.

:) Xcode update, iTunes, and Command Line Tools

Ini terjadi di Malang, bukan hutan, ini ladang tebu sehabis panen.

Naik sepeda lewat beginian, hanya 20 meter terpapar asap, rasanya...

Cuma sekian detik.

Here it is. I used getFolderById() to determine the folder I want to list the files and folders inside.  I used home as variable name of the folder home.getFiles() is used to gets a collection of all files in home. home.getFolders() is used to gets a collection of all folders in home. I have list and row  as array or tuple or 'list' to accommodate the result. Maybe it's wasting time to have two variable, but I plan to write code to list 'files and folders inside subfolders' recursively. I know maybe it didn't even need that array variable, :). But just in case...
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