We could speeding the timer by pre-loading TCNT0 with a value between 0 and 255, so TCNT0’ll start count at our own value instead of zero.
Timer Time: Using Internal ATTiny13A Chip’s Timer, "OVF" Interrupt Mode (slightly modified)
Using interrupt, we have a subroutine that regularly called, automatically.
It called when overflow flag (OVF) is set.
It called when overflow flag (OVF) is set.
Timer Time: Using Internal ATTiny13A Chip’s Timer, "OVF" Interrupt Mode
Clear Timer on Compare (CTC) as its name suggests, will clear the flag if counter has same value with compare value.
Timer Time: Using Internal ATTiny13A Chip’s Timer “CTC” Mode
Our timer is static, it have to wait TCNT0 to count from 0 to 255 and then start over.
Timer Time: Using Internal ATTiny13A Chip’s Timer “Normal” Mode (Slightly Modified)
Chip’s Internal Timer in ’Normal' mode will count from 0 to 255, set the overflow flag TOV0 to 0 and count again from 0 to 255, set the flag to 0 and
Timer Time: Using Internal ATTiny13A Chip’s Timer “Normal” Mode
Jonathan Ive style, Old Macbook Pro sleep indicator LED.
Using interrupt, fast PWM on ATTiny13A.
Using interrupt, fast PWM on ATTiny13A.
And Finally the Breathing LED is Here, :)
Jonathan Ive style, Old Macbook Pro sleep indicator LED.
Using interrupt, fast PWM on ATTiny13A.
Using interrupt, fast PWM on ATTiny13A.
And Finally the Breathing LED is Here, :)
Maybe it's just me, but I recently realized that we have a handy feature on ATTiny13A for flip the value of the bit.
Flip the Bit
Here's the template
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
Blinking LED using Interrupt on ATTiny13A
Here's the template
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
Blinking LED using Interrupt on ATTiny13A
Here's the template
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
Here's the template
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
Here's the template
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
Here's the template
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
.include "../tn13Adef.INC"
.def a=r16
.org $0000 ; startup vector
rjmp onReset
.org $0006 ; compar
P Rosyid menulis tentang langgam beberapa waktu lalu.
Dan saya juga ingin menulis. Memang lain, ini tentang gendhing jawa.
Dan saya juga ingin menulis. Memang lain, ini tentang gendhing jawa.
Gendhing dan Perkusi
It started with this
.include "../tn13Adef.inc"
.org 0000
rjmp reset
.org 0003
rjmp timer
sbi ddrb,0
ldi r16,0b00000101
.include "../tn13Adef.inc"
.org 0000
rjmp reset
.org 0003
rjmp timer
sbi ddrb,0
ldi r16,0b00000101
Timer on ATTiny13A using Interrupt
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny13A Arduino
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
ATTiny is ... well, tiny. Not very suitable to programed it on arduino. Nevertheless, I decided to do it.
Didn't really remember the chronology. It use Parallel Desktop. It use VirtualBox too.
My FreeBSD Installation LeftOver
Since we need to set the baud rate. We have to use either manual delay or timer interrupt.
For now, I am trying using manual delay.
For now, I am trying using manual delay.
Serial Communication at ATTiny13A (#3)
Since we need to set the baud rate. We have to use either manual delay or timer interrupt.
For now, I am trying using manual delay.
For now, I am trying using manual delay.
Serial Communication at ATTiny13A (#3)
ATTiny didn't come with TX/RX Pins, so I have to make it by myself.
Serial Communication ATTiny13A (#1)
Ujian pertama KBK Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Fisika
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Akhirnya ...
Ujian pertama KBK Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Fisika
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Ujian pertama KBK Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Fisika
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Ujian pertama KBK Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Fisika
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Ujian pertama KBK Elektronika dan Instrumentasi Fisika
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Sangat langka memang, dan dapat hadiah uang dari P Samsul, :)
Yep, here we are. I use pin B3 as ADC input, and B0 as output. The delay's vary; depend on r16 value, which is ADC value.
ADC on ATTiny13A with PWM Output in Assembler
Happened to change the header pin of my arduino pro mini from male to female.
How To Remove The Solder Tin Residue On Double Layered PCB
After read the ATtiny13A datasheet, I use the code below as the base. Under OS X in my Macbook Air. Using USBASP programmer.
Blinking LED in ATtiny13A in Assembler
Satu langkah (lyrics)
Telah kulakuan semua
Semua tuk mendekatimu
Telah kucoba segala
Cara tuk cari atensimu
Ingin setiap kata terucap
Kau uc
Telah kulakuan semua
Semua tuk mendekatimu
Telah kucoba segala
Cara tuk cari atensimu
Ingin setiap kata terucap
Kau uc
Satu Langkah (Sheila On 7)
Hari ini dia sangat pengertian, menggemboskan ban belakang kiri di garasi, pagi hari, saat akan mengantar Alfa Beta dan ibuknya ke Kediri.
My Lovely Asti
Hari ini dia sangat pengertian, menggemboskan ban belakang kiri di garasi, pagi hari, saat akan mengantar Alfa Beta dan ibuknya ke Kediri.
Selamat Datang (Sheila On 7)
Ini lagumu
yang kutuliskan
untuk temani
dimanapun kau.
Tetap semangat
jadi dewasa
seperti yang kamu impikan.
Ini lagumu
yang kutuliskan
untuk temani
dimanapun kau.
Tetap semangat
jadi dewasa
seperti yang kamu impikan.
Sheila On 7: Selamat Datang (lyrics)
Here the assembler version
I use file coba.s
.include "tn13Adef.inc"
.def temp = R16
//Pin assignments
.equ LED = PB0 ;pin 5 of ATtiny13
I use file coba.s
.include "tn13Adef.inc"
.def temp = R16
//Pin assignments
.equ LED = PB0 ;pin 5 of ATtiny13
ATTiny13A in Assembler
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
Getting Started with AtTiny13A on My Macbook Air with Yosemite
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
After several success attempt with arduino mini and nano (both using ATMega328), I’m curious about programming some chip in assembler.
Melupakan tak akan mudah
Walau kau telah yakin merelakan
Lihat nanti lihat sendiri
saat waktu yang ditentukan datang
Saat bertemu
Melupakan tak akan mudah
Walau kau telah yakin merelakan
Lihat nanti lihat sendiri
saat waktu yang ditentukan datang
Saat bertemu
Canggung (Sheila On 7)
Ada apa dengan musik Sheila On 7?
Ingat lagu Dan di album pertama? Lagu yang sederhana dengan akord/kunci standar.
Ingat lagu Dan di album pertama? Lagu yang sederhana dengan akord/kunci standar.
Evolusi Musik Sheila On 7
I add the code from previous project so it could read analog sensor from pin A0 and display it on second row LCD.
Adding Analog Sensor on My Arduino Nano LCD Project
I add the code from previous project so it could read analog sensor from pin A0 and display it on second row LCD.
I add the code from previous project so it could read analog sensor from pin A0 and display it on second row LCD.
I add the code from previous project so it could read analog sensor from pin A0 and display it on second row LCD.
All I have to do is open the mini (micro?) amp obviously. There's four screw to open.
Siapa menyusul?
Panel Poster KBK Elektronika dan Instrumentasi