install it using #pkg install gnome3 /etc/fstab  proc /proc procfs rw 0 0 /etc/rc.conf gdm_enable=“YES” gnome_enable="YES" The menu is missing install Parallel Tools

Got boot-only iso and managed to install it on my Parallel Desktop on my Macbook Air with Yosemite. 

Of course it just CLI.

Strange, the root shell have tab completion feature, but the normal users didn’t.

This code print d and e as result of two matrix addition, e's using python native code, d's using fortran module compiled with F2PY The code import numpy as np import aravir as ar import time n = 1000 u = np.ones((n,n)) v = np.ones((n,n)) e = np.ones((n,n)) t = time.clock() d = ar.add3(u,v) tfortran= time.clock()-t t = time.clock() for i in range (n): for j in range (n): e[i,j] = u[i,j]+v[i,j] tnative = time.clock()-t print 'fortran ', d print 'native', e print 'tfortran = ', tfortran, ', tnative = ', tnative

Python is easy to use, but it's slow, especially for loop computation.

I used Numpy  Matplotlib with Animation and 3d Plot module on my OS X Yosemite.

And here's the animation

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def data(i, z, line): z = np.sin(x+y+i) ax.clear() line = ax.plot_surface(x, y, z,color= 'b') return line, n = 2.*np.pi fig = plt.figure() ax

It's slightly modified from before

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D n = 2.*np.pi fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x = np.linspace(0,n,100) y = np.linspace(0,n,100) x,y = n

Here is the update from before

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation def simData(): t_max = n dt = 1./8 k = 0.0 t = np.linspace(0,t_max,100) while k < t_max: x = np.sin(np.pi*t+np.pi*k) k = k + dt yield x, t def simPoints(simData): x, t = simDat

Coding like this

import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation fig = plt.figure() n = 10 x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100) def init(): pass def animate(k): h = np.sin(x+np.pik) plt.plot(x,h) ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, 2*np.pi), ylim=(-1.1, 1.1)) anim = animation.

Here it is. I create a vector as new type, which is in itself is three dimension array. Then I declared u as vector with three dimension; u (h,i,j) where h = 0, 1, 2  as physical component (eg: height, velocity, momentum) i , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n as row n column So if we read u[0,1,1], it means height value at coordinate (1,1); u[1,1,1] is the velocity value; [2,1,1] is the momentum value at the same coordinate. Trying some of properties of it. I found out that we can initialize all component of vector-u with this one line code u:=fu(h[i,j],i,j); so the component u(h,i,j) will filled. Notice that the function has vector (or in this case array) return value.

Do you wonder how to do vector operation in Delphi? No, of course, :). We could go like this. function tform1.adv(a,b:real):real; begin adv:=a+b; end; The problem is the return is real, which is single value only. We want a and b as vector. Wait... How we define vector in Delphi? I don't know. I used to treat a vector in Delphi as array. So I coded it like this var a,b:array[0..1]of real; So far I had no problem. Lately, I am going crazy with overuse functions in Delphi, and trying operating vectors using function too. But if I write the code like this function tform1.adv(a,b:array[0..1]of real):real; begin adv:=a[0]+b[0]; {a[1]+b[1]?} end; It will only return one value. So I improvised by modify it

Here we are. The code below is a part of (unfinished) array of JK flip-flop that draw the output on stringgrid. The problem is, we want to change input (J and K) at  the runtime which is easy if the code is not flexible (just add several button), but as we can see, the code is flexible so there is big no no for the manually added button. So we want to click the corresponding cell and the value changed (in this case toggled, 1 to 0 or otherwise). Here the code

This code's updated version from flexible one (whic is by itself is updated version from this) :) . It has added feature so we could reset the counter if it reach a certain denary (decimal, it is :) ) and preset it to certain denary. To be able to do that we have to convert the denary to binary and distribute it among Q[0] to Q[n-1].

(Untuk mempercepat waktu load di laman Digital) Digital in Delphi Berikut adalah kode counter normal 3 bit. (Kode terbaru untuk counter dengan procedure rekursif dan jumlah bit yang fleksibel dapat dilihat di sini)

It's not flexible one.

Here we go... I plan to coding it in a way that it has flexibility in term of function. So I create two variable ft and ff, represent time domain and frequency domain function as two dimensional array, with the first index as 'function name' so it can be (in future) ft[0,i] as rect(x), ft[1,i] as cos(x) and so on.

Yup, recursive procedure (not recursive function, :) ). I use it to create a simulation about digital asynchronous binary n-bit counter, complete with the denary representation. n-bit means it's very flexible, you can change n and its output (stringgrid, thats it) automatically adjust itself, :) Here's the code

I like pineapple, apple too, uhm, guava yeah, red watermelon, yellow watermelon and mango. 

Yeah, I could eat them all day long. I still can stand it; even there's no any rice to eat, provided I have access to that heavenly fruits, :)

I urge you to eat that too, one at a time.

Want to edit Pages document 'on the fly' but don't have a Pages on iPhone? It's OK. Copy the content of your Page document by select all -> copy, then paste to Note app on OS X. Wait a moment, it will sync with the Note app on iPhone, complete with the formatting and the images, :)

Pagi ini, saat berangkat ngampus, di pintu keluar Lembah Dieng ada penumpukan kendaraan karena ada yang pengendara sepeda motor menyeberang dengan cara eksotis, tidak tengok kiri-kanan. Mungkin hal yang biasa bagi dia menyeberang seperti itu, dan dia beruntung masih hidup hingga kini. Tentu saja ada efeknya bagi kami, pengguna jalan lain. Sebuah Ayla kinclong mengerem secara mendadak dan, mungkin karena gugup atau memang baru belajar nyetir (Ayla baru :) ), mobil itu mati mendadak. Panik susah hidup dan macetlah jalan. Nah, ada seorang bapak muda tanpa helm mengajak anaknya naik sepeda motor matic, umur sekitar satu setangah tahun, tanpa helm juga. Tentu saja terjebak kemacetan kecil itu, menyuruk mencari celah-celah sempit sehingga berakhir tepat disampingku, setengah meter lebih jauh dari tempat sebelumnya, :)

Action Script3 (just for self documentation) Notice how it differs from ActionScript 2, onRelease, onEnterFrame stuff. Anyway, I'll tinker with this for next couple days, because it could be published as androidApps.apk via Adobe Air, for iOS too.

As I installed it, Youtube gave me error code, Safari and Firefox has very slow speed and at sometime it won't load at all.

No code's shown on Mac? Me too.  I have this solution after googling  DuckDuckGoing.  here the excerpt  I've found a solution on another forum and it worked for me: Try this: Go to your iPhone Messages settings and turn off iMessages and turn it on again. Then go to the iMessages Settings on your Mac and do the same. After that it worked for me. Also make sure to activate your telephone number in the iMessages settings on your Mac. and yeah, it works, :)

No, there's no native iWork on my Debian Sid.

It has done via iCloud Drive and iCloud Keynote.

My keynote, wrote it using my old OS X Maverick (or maybe even when my MacBook is still using Lion or Snow Leopard, I forgot), can be accessed via Chrome browser.

Well, nothing we can do about it.

But, just remember that sometime the process time on apple based device (and others platform as well) didn't as reliable.

The "1 minute remaining" installation message that took 2 hours to finish.

I used it on my OS X Yosemite, still prefer Anagram+Anvil/Appear combo though, :)

Bagaimana kecepatan di Pake speedy instan?  I’m using intel voucher and what the…   The 10 Mbps speed is reached,  wow.  I upgraded my Garage Band, all iWorks suite (Page, Numbers, Keynote), iMovie, and others (that means download almost 5GB data), and it done under 15 minutes, heheh... Pake Windows 8.1 di  virtual machine pun masih ok, download hampir 1 giga update-an pun gak sampe 15 menit. Agak beda dengan Ubuntu Virtual Machine, saat download update hanya mencapai 3Mbps, but, have been deal with 512Kbps before, it's still crazy speed.

Closing Apps on OS X Yosemite is ‘true’ Closing

yup, maybe because I update it to latest version or whatnot, the iWorks suite behave differently.

When entering Coherence mode in my Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machines, using unity desktop, it asked to disable display visual effects in the virtual machine.  After DuckDuckGo-ing, it happened that not just the visual effect that must be disabled, but entire unity desktop and have to add gnome-session flshback, :(  Anyway, the coherence is not what I expect. Top panel still there, bottom panel is still present It is the same gnome with OS X background, so I back to Unity again, no coherence mode. It's okay. :)

Usually, UNIX-like have weakness (at least that what I though) on password changing. Take the OS X, by default we don't have root password, but we could just $sudo su and then #passwd and tadaa..., we have super users password, we are super user.

Express installs make Parallels Tool installed by default. It created some problem Problem warning at first boot No desktop at all, just plain background, no top bar nor side unity menu It can be solved with this enter commandline mode using fn-ctrl-option-f1 enter username and password type commad below $ cd /etc/X11 $ ls (there should be file named xorg.conf.XXXXXXXX ) $ sudo mv xorg.conf.XXXXXXXX /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf $ export DISPLAY=:0 $ gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins now reboot using $ sudo init 6 yup, the top bar is there, also side Unity bar, but

It happened because of parallel desktop,   on my Macbook Air with OS XMavericks.  We know, it have good relationship with Windows, so installing 7 or even 8.1 is breeze.  But, how about linux? well, not so

We’re all know that our beloved OS X come handy with iTunes, it has equalizer!!! (a bit hyperbolic here, :) )  But, how about watching HD video on Youtube? Yup, we don’t have EQ set for that, also for Quicktime, and practically anything, …  Of course we could buy the EQ system for that,  But, there’s a free workaround for that  Here we go:

I don't do any benchmark things, but, from what I feel, this 11" standart MacBook Air has a faster and smoother experience than my mid 2009 13" MacBook Pro full option (2.5 GHz, 4G RAM)

Safari is fast!! You know what I feel when write that, :).

I got MacBook Air with new iWork Suite as three standalone apps.   Of course it’s always be three separate app, but I used to think that three as one package, :)  It turned out that the new iWork Suite is fast, really fast, maybe because it use 64-bit architecture, or maybe I used the new MBA mid 2014.  But  I missed the capability of my old iWork on MacBook Pro mid 09. It’s the ability to password-protect keynote-imported-pdf from copy content.  My old MBP mid 09 has old and new iWork run side by side because I purchased the iWork DVD retail. And I don’t have idea where the hell that DVD now.

Another flag to flag race, :)

Ianonne miss the chance to compete with leading group

Rossi crash bofore rain and have medical center checked

ups, rain is coming, pitlane is opened

white flag

still Marquez Lorenzo and Pedrosa battling each other

even more rain, wet circuit

white and red flag


Got this Eee PC without OS.  Planned to install it myself.  This netbook don’t have cd drive.  so the choice is via pxeboot or flash/thumb drive.  (have set PXE boot several month ago for CentOS, and have no desire to do it again or my head will split :) )  so via flash drive then  we could use any thumb drive and any iso, given it have enough space we could make this pen drive bootable with any tool (windowsbased, linux via dd, os x based, unix based) just google for it Okay what now First, we must set BIOS of this netbook to boot via USB drive to enter BIOS we must press F2 after powered this device on

After his confidence's rise; claiming his second position in several cool way after taked over several time by Marquez, he move up to chalenge his team mate, Lorenzo, for 1st place and suceed :) . 

The battle end too soon though, when Marquez's ride spin out and failed to start it back immediately.

Kadang kita berlebihan dalam mengamini sebuah doa. Bahkan ada yang bilang amin tiap detik. Tanpa benar-benar mengerti apa yang di-amin-i. 

Tentu saja kita berbaik sangka pada yang memimpin doa secara fasih dengan bahasa non-Indonesia.

Kadang malah berakibat menjadi disorientasi, pingsan, memar, babak belur, bahkan mati.

Pagi datang terlalu dini  dan malam tiba tanpa tergesa.  Kadang yang kuinginkan hanya menunggu  bayangan tempat ku sembunyi meninggalkanku. Kutahu  lebih mudah tuk lari   daripada menatap matamu.  Tapi ku kan tinggikan naungan ke angkasa.  Dan disini  dibawah bintang-bintang malam ini  Aku berbaring.

Installing Keynote 6.2.2. It's fast. Upgrade my old Keynote files, no problem, almost all animations and transitions is okay. Anagram, my favourite transition, works well on new Keynote. Until I creates new presentation directly from it. Well, duh, ... (description about getting used to new interface with tripped out here and there) and what...? Where's my lovely anagram?

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