Gnome 3 on Freebsd (self documentation)
Gnome 3 on Freebsd (self documentation)
install it using #pkg install gnome3 /etc/fstab  proc /proc procfs rw 0 0 /etc/rc.conf gdm_enable=“YES” gnome_enable="YES" The menu is missing install Parallel Tools
Playing with FreeBSD
Compile and Install GCC 4.9.2 from source on OSX Yosemite
Compare Native Loop Time in Python with "homemade" Fortran Module
This code print d and e as result of two matrix addition, e's using python native code, d's using fortran module compiled with F2PY The code import numpy as np import aravir as ar import time n = 1000 u = np.ones((n,n)) v = np.ones((n,n)) e = np.ones((n,n)) t = time.clock() d = ar.add3(u,v) tfortran= time.clock()-t t = time.clock() for i in range (n): for j in range (n): e[i,j] = u[i,j]+v[i,j] tnative = time.clock()-t print 'fortran ', d print 'native', e print 'tfortran = ', tfortran, ', tnative = ', tnative
Using 'Home-Made' Fortran Binary as Python module
3D Waterwave Simulation using Python
3D Surface Plot Animation using Matplotlib in Python
3D Surface Plot using Matplotlib in Python
Matplotlib Animation in Python
Playing with Matplotlib Animation in Python
Playing (again) with 'Home Made' Vector in Delphi
Here it is. I create a vector as new type, which is in itself is three dimension array. Then I declared u as vector with three dimension; u (h,i,j) where h = 0, 1, 2  as physical component (eg: height, velocity, momentum) i , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n as row n column So if we read u[0,1,1], it means height value at coordinate (1,1); u[1,1,1] is the velocity value; [2,1,1] is the momentum value at the same coordinate. Trying some of properties of it. I found out that we can initialize all component of vector-u with this one line code u:=fu(h[i,j],i,j); so the component u(h,i,j) will filled. Notice that the function has vector (or in this case array) return value.
Returning Function as Array in Delphi
Returning Function as Array in Delphi
Do you wonder how to do vector operation in Delphi? No, of course, :). We could go like this. function tform1.adv(a,b:real):real; begin adv:=a+b; end; The problem is the return is real, which is single value only. We want a and b as vector. Wait... How we define vector in Delphi? I don't know. I used to treat a vector in Delphi as array. So I coded it like this var a,b:array[0..1]of real; So far I had no problem. Lately, I am going crazy with overuse functions in Delphi, and trying operating vectors using function too. But if I write the code like this function tform1.adv(a,b:array[0..1]of real):real; begin adv:=a[0]+b[0]; {a[1]+b[1]?} end; It will only return one value. So I improvised by modify it
Delphi: Click a Cell on Stringgrid to Toggle its Value
Here we are. The code below is a part of (unfinished) array of JK flip-flop that draw the output on stringgrid. The problem is, we want to change input (J and K) at  the runtime which is easy if the code is not flexible (just add several button), but as we can see, the code is flexible so there is big no no for the manually added button. So we want to click the corresponding cell and the value changed (in this case toggled, 1 to 0 or otherwise). Here the code
Digital Counter with Reset and Preset/Clear
Digital Counter with Reset and Preset/Clear
This code's updated version from flexible one (whic is by itself is updated version from this) :) . It has added feature so we could reset the counter if it reach a certain denary (decimal, it is :) ) and preset it to certain denary. To be able to do that we have to convert the denary to binary and distribute it among Q[0] to Q[n-1].
Arsip Elektronika Digital
(Untuk mempercepat waktu load di laman Digital) Digital in Delphi Berikut adalah kode counter normal 3 bit. (Kode terbaru untuk counter dengan procedure rekursif dan jumlah bit yang fleksibel dapat dilihat di sini)
Discrete Fourier Transform
Discrete Fourier Transform
It's not flexible one.
Discrete Fourier Transform in Delphi (in progess)
Discrete Fourier Transform in Delphi (in progess)
Here we go... I plan to coding it in a way that it has flexibility in term of function. So I create two variable ft and ff, represent time domain and frequency domain function as two dimensional array, with the first index as 'function name' so it can be (in future) ft[0,i] as rect(x), ft[1,i] as cos(x) and so on.
Flexible Digital Counter using Delphi (with Recursive Procedure)
Flexible Digital Counter using Delphi (with Recursive Procedure)
Updated version from before.
Recursive Procedure on Delphi.
Yup, recursive procedure (not recursive function, :) ). I use it to create a simulation about digital asynchronous binary n-bit counter, complete with the denary representation. n-bit means it's very flexible, you can change n and its output (stringgrid, thats it) automatically adjust itself, :) Here's the code
Blend It, :)
iOS and OS X's Note
Want to edit Pages document 'on the fly' but don't have a Pages on iPhone? It's OK. Copy the content of your Page document by select all -> copy, then paste to Note app on OS X. Wait a moment, it will sync with the Note app on iPhone, complete with the formatting and the images, :)
Dangerous Move
Dangerous Move
Pagi ini, saat berangkat ngampus, di pintu keluar Lembah Dieng ada penumpukan kendaraan karena ada yang pengendara sepeda motor menyeberang dengan cara eksotis, tidak tengok kiri-kanan. Mungkin hal yang biasa bagi dia menyeberang seperti itu, dan dia beruntung masih hidup hingga kini. Tentu saja ada efeknya bagi kami, pengguna jalan lain. Sebuah Ayla kinclong mengerem secara mendadak dan, mungkin karena gugup atau memang baru belajar nyetir (Ayla baru :) ), mobil itu mati mendadak. Panik susah hidup dan macetlah jalan. Nah, ada seorang bapak muda tanpa helm mengajak anaknya naik sepeda motor matic, umur sekitar satu setangah tahun, tanpa helm juga. Tentu saja terjebak kemacetan kecil itu, menyuruk mencari celah-celah sempit sehingga berakhir tepat disampingku, setengah meter lebih jauh dari tempat sebelumnya, :)
My New Toys, :)
Action Script3 (just for self documentation) Notice how it differs from ActionScript 2, onRelease, onEnterFrame stuff. Anyway, I'll tinker with this for next couple days, because it could be published as androidApps.apk via Adobe Air, for iOS too.
Anyone using Yosemite has Flash Player Problem?
Anyone using Yosemite has Flash Player Problem?
Enable SMS Forwarding between iOS 8.1 and Yosemite
No code's shown on Mac? Me too.  I have this solution after googling  DuckDuckGoing.  here the excerpt  I've found a solution on another forum and it worked for me: Try this: Go to your iPhone Messages settings and turn off iMessages and turn it on again. Then go to the iMessages Settings on your Mac and do the same. After that it worked for me. Also make sure to activate your telephone number in the iMessages settings on your Mac. and yeah, it works, :)
Keynote on Linux
Stuck on "Upgrading" iCloud Drive
Trace Animation on Keynote
Crazy Hotspot Corner Speed
Bagaimana kecepatan di Pake speedy instan?  I’m using intel voucher and what the…   The 10 Mbps speed is reached,  wow.  I upgraded my Garage Band, all iWorks suite (Page, Numbers, Keynote), iMovie, and others (that means download almost 5GB data), and it done under 15 minutes, heheh... Pake Windows 8.1 di  virtual machine pun masih ok, download hampir 1 giga update-an pun gak sampe 15 menit. Agak beda dengan Ubuntu Virtual Machine, saat download update hanya mencapai 3Mbps, but, have been deal with 512Kbps before, it's still crazy speed.
The Yosemite
Coherence on Ubuntu 14.04
When entering Coherence mode in my Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machines, using unity desktop, it asked to disable display visual effects in the virtual machine.  After DuckDuckGo-ing, it happened that not just the visual effect that must be disabled, but entire unity desktop and have to add gnome-session flshback, :(  Anyway, the coherence is not what I expect. Top panel still there, bottom panel is still present It is the same gnome with OS X background, so I back to Unity again, no coherence mode. It's okay. :)
The Safer Ubuntu
Finally, Ubuntu 4.10 on Parallels Desktop
Express installs make Parallels Tool installed by default. It created some problem Problem warning at first boot No desktop at all, just plain background, no top bar nor side unity menu It can be solved with this enter commandline mode using fn-ctrl-option-f1 enter username and password type commad below $ cd /etc/X11 $ ls (there should be file named xorg.conf.XXXXXXXX ) $ sudo mv xorg.conf.XXXXXXXX /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf $ export DISPLAY=:0 $ gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins now reboot using $ sudo init 6 yup, the top bar is there, also side Unity bar, but
My Parallel OpenSuse
Chaotic OS WeekEnd
It happened because of parallel desktop,   on my Macbook Air with OS XMavericks.  We know, it have good relationship with Windows, so installing 7 or even 8.1 is breeze.  But, how about linux? well, not so
Equalizer for OS X (for all apps on Mac, not just for iTunes)
We’re all know that our beloved OS X come handy with iTunes, it has equalizer!!! (a bit hyperbolic here, :) )  But, how about watching HD video on Youtube? Yup, we don’t have EQ set for that, also for Quicktime, and practically anything, …  Of course we could buy the EQ system for that,  But, there’s a free workaround for that  Here we go:
Dating the Air
Dating the Air
Get iWork ‘09 to Work on New Macbook
Get iWork ‘09 to Work on New Macbook
I got MacBook Air with new iWork Suite as three standalone apps.   Of course it’s always be three separate app, but I used to think that three as one package, :)  It turned out that the new iWork Suite is fast, really fast, maybe because it use 64-bit architecture, or maybe I used the new MBA mid 2014.  But  I missed the capability of my old iWork on MacBook Pro mid 09. It’s the ability to password-protect keynote-imported-pdf from copy content.  My old MBP mid 09 has old and new iWork run side by side because I purchased the iWork DVD retail. And I don’t have idea where the hell that DVD now.
Lorenzo Won
Lorenzo Won
Asus Eee PC won't Enter BIOS
Asus Eee PC won't Enter BIOS
Got this Eee PC without OS.  Planned to install it myself.  This netbook don’t have cd drive.  so the choice is via pxeboot or flash/thumb drive.  (have set PXE boot several month ago for CentOS, and have no desire to do it again or my head will split :) )  so via flash drive then  we could use any thumb drive and any iso, given it have enough space we could make this pen drive bootable with any tool (windowsbased, linux via dd, os x based, unix based) just google for it Okay what now First, we must set BIOS of this netbook to boot via USB drive to enter BIOS we must press F2 after powered this device on
Congrat to Rossi
Congrat to Rossi
Kalimat Lengkap
Kalimat Lengkap
Kadang malah berakibat menjadi disorientasi, pingsan, memar, babak belur, bahkan mati.
Pagi datang terlalu dini  dan malam tiba tanpa tergesa.  Kadang yang kuinginkan hanya menunggu  bayangan tempat ku sembunyi meninggalkanku. Kutahu  lebih mudah tuk lari   daripada menatap matamu.  Tapi ku kan tinggikan naungan ke angkasa.  Dan disini  dibawah bintang-bintang malam ini  Aku berbaring.
The Magic "Anagram" Move on Keynote
Installing Keynote 6.2.2. It's fast. Upgrade my old Keynote files, no problem, almost all animations and transitions is okay. Anagram, my favourite transition, works well on new Keynote. Until I creates new presentation directly from it. Well, duh, ... (description about getting used to new interface with tripped out here and there) and what...? Where's my lovely anagram?
Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy
Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy
Lama tak jumpa
Lama tak jumpa
The Mad Marc is Back
The Mad Marc is Back
Disalah satu kegiatan guru PAUD.  Setelah ujian.  "Mas, Tantrum itu apa?" kata seorang ibu yang masih pegang clipper tuk tatakan lembar jawaban komputer  Ibu ber-sweater di sebelahnya nyeletuk "Weleh, yo jelas masnya gak ngerti, lha wong dari fisika kok ditanya gitu."
TL-WN823N on My Debian Sid
New iWork Suite's Finally Free
It happens this morning when I opened my battered MacBook. Theres a badge of new notification on MacStore icon. ...iTunes, iMovie, Aperture, iMovie,  the usual... ...and....the list is goes on until my eyes suddenly focused on Keynote? Pages? Numbers? What a... err...
What happened to Nico Rosberg?
What happened to Nico Rosberg?
Echa Soemantri - Israel and New Breed Medley (Drum Reinterpretation)
Pagi tanpa Sabit Tua
Pagi tanpa Sabit Tua
Moderate? Optimum? I Wonder...
Moderate? Optimum? I Wonder...
Karl May
Fuel Injection Flooded Engine
Fuel Injection Flooded Engine
Menunda yang tak Tertunda
Menunda yang tak Tertunda
"Walah kok tinggal tiga strip Nu”  “emang kenapa, tu masih sekitar lima belas liter kan”  “belok di pom Sengkaling depan atau di Pom tanjakan Batu, ada mbak petugas cantik yang enak diajak ngobrol”  “ah nanti saja Ar, toh si Astina ini masih bisa jalan seratus lima puluh kiloan, dari Malang sini tuh bisa nyampe ke Kediri lewat jalur mbulet Batu situ”  “kamu ini, memang apa salahnya isi bensin sekarang?”  “apa salahnya isi bensin nanti?”  “hehhh….”
Surrounded (Dream Theater)
Morning comes too early   and nighttime falls too late And sometimes all I want to do is wait The shadow I've been hiding in has fled from me today  I know it's easier  to walk away than look it in the eye But I will raise a shelter to the sky and here beneath this star tonight I'll lie  She will slowly yield the light As I awaken from the longest night
Greek Egyptian United, :)
Greek Egyptian United, :)
I Know I have to Use Android, but...
I Know I have to Use Android, but...
After my iPad "coudnt charge" problems and finally grab a Lenovo A3000 for Alfa. I notice several things. Sure it have quad core processor and 2GB RAM. (my iPad 1st gen has single core and 256 RAM, my iPhone has dual core) Sure it behave faster than my sister in law's sluggish galaxy tab 3. Sure, it means I have to choose android over iOS with those specs advantage but...
Pipo & Elo
Pipo & Elo
Have you heard about Pipo and Elo? They're covering many of Dream Theater's song. So what? Many people cover Dream Theater. Ehm, they cover it using acoustic guitar, :) Incidentally, many songs they're covered is my Dream Theather's favorite song; Surrounded Regression,  Overture 1928, Strange Deja Vu, Home, The dance of Eternity, One Last Time, Spirit Carries On  ... You can listen their covers on
“Huh, bikin emosi aja, bisa batal puasa nih”  “Kenapa Nu?”  “Mc D tuh”  “Ada apa dengan Mak Dayat?”  “Masak aku minta es teh dikasih kopi panas, lak emosi to, panas-panas gini lagi” “Walah, kamunya juga gak bener” “Lha kenapa Ar?”
Tiki Taka
Tiki Taka
MotoGP Deutschland
MotoGP Deutschland
Last Mavericks and Latest Safari
Tuh Kan?
Tuh Kan?
"Yes, jagoku menang" "loh, kok tahu?"  "di TPS tadi aku nunggu sampai selesai ngitung, dan menang, horee..." "oh, menang di TPS kita saja to?" "gak juga, sudah lihat berita di tipi? " "aku gak lihat tipi tadi sibuk nunggu Naruto terbaru"
Brazil and Deutschland
Brazil and Deutschland
Mungkin (semoga tidak)
Mungkin (semoga tidak)
"Syukurlah, habis ini akan tenang kembali" "Tenang gimana?" "Ya tenang, gak ada lagi jago-jagoan, gak ada lagi musuhan di mana-mana. Sampai unfriend-unfriend-an di facebook, heheh..." "Yeah, memang hiruk pikuk saat ini sangat kelewatan. Segi positifnya, sekarang banyak yang aktif ambil bagian ketimbang yang dulu-dulu, prosentase keikutsertaannya meroket, menakjubkan"
FlipBoard, Social Media in Magazine Like
After search, discuss (with myself), try some apps, finally I found this. An one stop place to read Twitter, Facebook, G+ or other timeline in one apps, with some bonuses.
Create Presentation in LaTeX using Beamer Class
Create Presentation in LaTeX using Beamer Class
You could do presentation using LaTeX you know, :) There’s class named Beamer It has some theme too, boadilla, goetingen, shadow, classic. I used several of ‘em several years ago but at now, influenced (or obsessed) by Steve Job’s Keynotes, I used the default theme, no slide or top or bottom navigation.  I don’t like the bullet style of “itemise" or plain number of “enumerate” though. So I do little tweak to get through this, actually just two lines on the beginning. I set it to became square style (yup, the number is inside square, :) ) I used it since 2008, introduced by Mas Ardhi at UGM.
Post using Posts
Minggu, males ngampus,  sendiri di rumah,  ide jahil muncul.  Masakan Vegan ...  Kupas beberapa kentang, potong besar-besar (atau kecil), cuci, masukkan panci.
Efisien (tidak)
"Mas, yang ini harus pake nota dulu" Kata mbak satpam cantik saat saya sedang ngantri di kasir tuk bayar evamat mini-nya Alfa tuk bikin "tower" (evamat yang di rumah biasanya tuk "garasi" karena besar). "Ohya? Lha tadi di sana gak ada petugasnya, saya kira langsung ke kasir" "Petugasnya merangkap di bagian elektronik mas, mari saya antar..." (dengan senang hati :) )
Retreat to Blog
Retreat to Blog
Socmed semakin panas, Dua kubu makin aktif nge-junk (setidaknya bagi saya),  ...tanpa sadar lambat laun menjadi semakin pasif di socmed dan lebih sering menyendiri bertapa di blog, menekuni kembali trik-trik lama di LaTeX, posting hal-hal baru tentangnya, usil ngelantur tentang berbagai hal. Paradox: karena hasil tulisan di blog muncul di timeline socmed, maka seakan-akan jadi semakin aktif posting, :)
Create Flowchart on Latex Using TikzPicture
Just in Case Your Latex Figure Number Is not Synced and Show Section Number Instead
Test My Google Drive Presentation
Test My Google Drive Presentation
Konten Porno yang Lolos dari Blokir
Konten Porno yang Lolos dari Blokir
...adalah berita, ya berita baik TV, web, atau cetak. Bagaimana kita bisa mencegah akses ke konten vulgar jika konten-konten tersebut mudah sekali diakses. Selain formalitas "klik jika anda 18+" yang tak berhasil mencegah anak di bawah umur mengakses konten eksplisit tentang seks, ada yang salah dengan manajemen konten. Jika konten tentang hubungan seks yang baik diberi peringatan "18+", kenapa berita tentang pemerkosaan dan tentang pelacuran (gaya hidup, penangkapan, curhat) tak diberi label  sama sekali? Padahal justru konten-konten tersebut terkadang sangat detil menjelaskan proses perkosaan, perselingkuhan, gaya hidup penjaja seks termasuk cara-cara membooking mereka.
Tak Boleh Salahkan Setan Mulai Besok!
Tak Boleh Salahkan Setan Mulai Besok!
Enaknya Macet di Hujan Deras
Enaknya Macet di Hujan Deras
Macet di Hujan Deras
Macet di Hujan Deras
Sungguh tidak enak bawa motor dalam situasi seperti ini, pikirku, sambil menghabiskan makan siangku di tempat makan langganan yang sudah tersohor tak hanya se-Malang, tapi hampir seluruh Indonesia, karena yang beli kebanyakan Mahasiswa yang berasal dari berbagai daerah. Nama warungnya adalah warung Mak Dayat, yang akhirnya populer dengan plesetan Mc D.
Tajam atau Tumpul
Tajam atau Tumpul
Pornografi Resmi
Pornografi Resmi
DIY HLA Cleaning on my 323F Astina
open engine cover one bolt free two bolt free  third bolt is easy too …, and the last bolt is…  worn out…, not hexagonal anymore, couldn’t be turned with any type of wrench, oh dear Grab a hammer and chisel, and "do" it And it's break free..., :)
The Perfect Race
The Perfect Race
[Java Android] Array of Pseudo Random Integer on TextView (just for self documentation)
[Java Android] Array of Pseudo Random Integer on TextView (just for self documentation)
Here the code, the random numbers  generated at the creation and at "Start" button click package com.nugnux.array; import java.util.Random; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast;
[Java Android] Create Circle and Line using Canvas on Eclipse with ADT (just for self documentation)
[Java Android] Create Circle and Line using Canvas on Eclipse with ADT (just for self documentation)
here it is, I just create new Android app and go straigth to without setting up the interface, so res/value/strings.xml  and res/layout/* is left as is and my activity is mainly in MainActivity :)
The Impressions
The Impressions
So, after tinkering with Lenovo A3000 for 5 day... The IPS screen is acceptable The quadcore processor is doing what it supposed to do, fast enough Getting used with android onscreen keyboard ( it's my 1st android device, i used iPhone and iPad), no AZERTY layout tough
Create Android Application (Thermometer Converter) on Android Itself, using AIDE
It my early android apps developed using Eclipse and ADT on my Mac and now ported to AIDE on my A3000, which is, say, just copy and paste, :). The app itself consist of two button, one textview, one edit text and a spinner. The input in edit text is processed based on spinner value and the result is displayed on text edit. The button is just for checking and have fun, :) That's it, now let's get our hand dirty...
Another AIDE ScreenShot on My Lenovo A3000
Here it is, The screenshot of my Thermometer android app, using textview, edit text,spinner and button
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