install it using
#pkg install gnome3
proc /proc procfs rw 0 0
gdm_enable=“YES” gnome_enable="YES"
The menu is missing
install Parallel Tools
This code print d and e as result of two matrix addition, e's using python native code, d's using fortran module compiled with F2PY
The code
import numpy as np import aravir as ar import time n = 1000 u = np.ones((n,n)) v = np.ones((n,n)) e = np.ones((n,n)) t = time.clock() d = ar.add3(u,v) tfortran= time.clock()-t t = time.clock() for i in range (n): for j in range (n): e[i,j] = u[i,j]+v[i,j] tnative = time.clock()-t print 'fortran ', d print 'native', e print 'tfortran = ', tfortran, ', tnative = ', tnative
Here it is. I create a vector as new type, which is in itself is three dimension array.
Then I declared u as vector with three dimension;
u (h,i,j)
where h = 0, 1, 2 as physical component (eg: height, velocity, momentum)
i , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n as row n column
So if we read u[0,1,1], it means height value at coordinate (1,1); u[1,1,1] is the velocity value; [2,1,1] is the momentum value at the same coordinate.
Trying some of properties of it. I found out that we can initialize all component of vector-u with this one line code
so the component u(h,i,j) will filled. Notice that the function has vector (or in this case array) return value.