No code's shown on Mac?
Me too.
I have this solution after googling DuckDuckGoing.
here the excerpt
I've found a solution on another forum and it worked for me:
Try this: Go to your iPhone Messages settings and turn off iMessages and turn it on again. Then go to the iMessages Settings on your Mac and do the same. After that it worked for me. Also make sure to activate your telephone number in the iMessages settings on your Mac.
and yeah, it works, :)
Bagaimana kecepatan di Pake speedy instan?
I’m using intel voucher and what the…
The 10 Mbps speed is reached,
I upgraded my Garage Band, all iWorks suite (Page, Numbers, Keynote), iMovie, and others (that means download almost 5GB data), and it done under 15 minutes, heheh...
Pake Windows 8.1 di virtual machine pun masih ok, download hampir 1 giga update-an pun gak sampe 15 menit.
Agak beda dengan Ubuntu Virtual Machine, saat download update hanya mencapai 3Mbps, but, have been deal with 512Kbps before, it's still crazy speed.
When entering Coherence mode in my Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machines, using unity desktop, it asked to disable display visual effects in the virtual machine.
After DuckDuckGo-ing, it happened that not just the visual effect that must be disabled, but entire unity desktop and have to add gnome-session flshback, :(
Anyway, the coherence is not what I expect.
Top panel still there, bottom panel is still present
It is the same gnome with OS X background, so I back to Unity again, no coherence mode. It's okay. :)
Express installs make Parallels Tool installed by default.
It created some problem
Problem warning at first boot
No desktop at all, just plain background, no top bar nor side unity menu
It can be solved with this
enter commandline mode using fn-ctrl-option-f1
enter username and password
type commad below
$ cd /etc/X11
$ ls (there should be file named xorg.conf.XXXXXXXX )
$ sudo mv xorg.conf.XXXXXXXX /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf
$ export DISPLAY=:0
$ gsettings reset org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ active-plugins
now reboot using $ sudo init 6
yup, the top bar is there, also side Unity bar, but
It happened because of parallel desktop,
on my Macbook Air with OS XMavericks.
We know, it have good relationship with Windows, so installing 7 or even 8.1 is breeze.
But, how about linux? well, not so
We’re all know that our beloved OS X come handy with iTunes, it has equalizer!!! (a bit hyperbolic here, :) )
But, how about watching HD video on Youtube? Yup, we don’t have EQ set for that, also for Quicktime, and practically anything, …
Of course we could buy the EQ system for that,
But, there’s a free workaround for that
Here we go:
I got MacBook Air with new iWork Suite as three standalone apps.
Of course it’s always be three separate app, but I used to think that three as one package, :)
It turned out that the new iWork Suite is fast, really fast, maybe because it use 64-bit architecture, or maybe I used the new MBA mid 2014.
But I missed the capability of my old iWork on MacBook Pro mid 09. It’s the ability to password-protect keynote-imported-pdf from copy content.
My old MBP mid 09 has old and new iWork run side by side because I purchased the iWork DVD retail. And I don’t have idea where the hell that DVD now.