Disalah satu kegiatan guru PAUD.  Setelah ujian.  "Mas, Tantrum itu apa?" kata seorang ibu yang masih pegang clipper tuk tatakan lembar jawaban komputer  Ibu ber-sweater di sebelahnya nyeletuk "Weleh, yo jelas masnya gak ngerti, lha wong dari fisika kok ditanya gitu."

This mini wireless usb adapter is work out of the box in my debian computer, yeah...

It happens this morning when I opened my battered MacBook. Theres a badge of new notification on MacStore icon. ...iTunes, iMovie, Aperture, iMovie,  the usual... ...and....the list is goes on until my eyes suddenly focused on Keynote? Pages? Numbers? What a... err...

What'd he tried to prove?

Maybe I'm wrong (and it's often :) ), but I think it payback of Hamilton's act several race ago when he refuse to gave Rosberg a room to pass him, and team do nothing about that.

yea..., that train of victory is finally meet the end.

Still, I think it'll lift some of Marc's burden.

If the automobile had followed the same development as the computer, a Rolls Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year killing everyone inside.

What a heartbanging race! 

What a chaotic position change at early laps

Go on Rossi, Dovi, Jorge, Marc, Pedrosa!

What a...


Uh, oh...

Angin berhenti





Dikelilingi gunung

Mungkin lembah

Gema takbir bak musik dugem, 

semua ngobrol tak ada yang peduli.

Yang penting niatnya 

Menyumbang tuk main game online?  Memberi receh lima ratus atau seribu  ke anak-anak peminta di perempatan lampu merah? Saya pernah ke warnet dekat situ dan saya hafal wajah-wajah mereka yang diperempatan. Wajah-wajah yang sama yang serius nge-game di bilik-bilik warnet. Kalo mereka ditanya kenapa gak sekolah jawabnya jelas:"tak ada biaya".
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