Moderate? Optimum? I Wonder...
Lama tak lihat, hari ini saya kembali menyaksikan Oma Irama di TV, bukan sebagai Jaka Swara atau Satria Bergitar (itu kategori "lama") tapi tampil secara live bersama Soneta Group.
Memangnya ada yang aneh? Gak sih, berdasarkan standart lama.
Karl May
Lama tak menyapa mereka, sore ini mereka menyapaku saat memindahkan beberapa barang dari ruang tamu ke loteng dalam rangka menjebol tembok depan.
Ever cook this
combined like this?
don't do it, :)
Fuel Injection Flooded Engine
Yes, it's possible, it's rare though, so you should be grateful if get it (like me), :)
When the engine is cold
Depress the accelerator fully and hold it.
Menunda yang tak Tertunda
"Walah kok tinggal tiga strip Nu” “emang kenapa, tu masih sekitar lima belas liter kan” “belok di pom Sengkaling depan atau di Pom tanjakan Batu, ada mbak petugas cantik yang enak diajak ngobrol” “ah nanti saja Ar, toh si Astina ini masih bisa jalan seratus lima puluh kiloan, dari Malang sini tuh bisa nyampe ke Kediri lewat jalur mbulet Batu situ” “kamu ini, memang apa salahnya isi bensin sekarang?” “apa salahnya isi bensin nanti?” “hehhh….”
Surrounded (Dream Theater)
Morning comes too early and nighttime falls too late And sometimes all I want to do is wait The shadow I've been hiding in has fled from me today I know it's easier to walk away than look it in the eye But I will raise a shelter to the sky and here beneath this star tonight I'll lie She will slowly yield the light As I awaken from the longest night
Greek Egyptian United, :)
Have you read The Staff of Serapis?
It's Rick Riordan's another mini story beside Son of Sobek.
This book's in Annabeth point of view telling her counter with Greek-Egypt hybrid god (not capital G mind you) Serapis.
From this tomatoes, chilli, roasted terasi, onion, garlic
to this
in less than five minutes.
I Know I have to Use Android, but...
After my iPad "coudnt charge" problems and finally grab a Lenovo A3000 for Alfa. I notice several things. Sure it have quad core processor and 2GB RAM. (my iPad 1st gen has single core and 256 RAM, my iPhone has dual core) Sure it behave faster than my sister in law's sluggish galaxy tab 3. Sure, it means I have to choose android over iOS with those specs advantage but...
Pipo & Elo
Have you heard about Pipo and Elo? They're covering many of Dream Theater's song. So what? Many people cover Dream Theater. Ehm, they cover it using acoustic guitar, :) Incidentally, many songs they're covered is my Dream Theather's favorite song; Surrounded Regression, Overture 1928, Strange Deja Vu, Home, The dance of Eternity, One Last Time, Spirit Carries On ... You can listen their covers on
“Huh, bikin emosi aja, bisa batal puasa nih” “Kenapa Nu?” “Mc D tuh” “Ada apa dengan Mak Dayat?” “Masak aku minta es teh dikasih kopi panas, lak emosi to, panas-panas gini lagi” “Walah, kamunya juga gak bener” “Lha kenapa Ar?”
Tiki Taka
Yup, I see that pattern this morning and a match before.
MotoGP Deutschland
Another weird, yet not uncommon, race.
With mass start from pitlane.
Last Mavericks and Latest Safari
Decided to install this last OS X Mavericks before Yosemite release this morning.
This version of Safari is surprisingly fast :) .
Tuh Kan?
"Yes, jagoku menang" "loh, kok tahu?" "di TPS tadi aku nunggu sampai selesai ngitung, dan menang, horee..." "oh, menang di TPS kita saja to?" "gak juga, sudah lihat berita di tipi? " "aku gak lihat tipi tadi sibuk nunggu Naruto terbaru"
Mungkin (semoga tidak)
"Syukurlah, habis ini akan tenang kembali" "Tenang gimana?" "Ya tenang, gak ada lagi jago-jagoan, gak ada lagi musuhan di mana-mana. Sampai unfriend-unfriend-an di facebook, heheh..." "Yeah, memang hiruk pikuk saat ini sangat kelewatan. Segi positifnya, sekarang banyak yang aktif ambil bagian ketimbang yang dulu-dulu, prosentase keikutsertaannya meroket, menakjubkan"
FlipBoard, Social Media in Magazine Like
After search, discuss (with myself), try some apps, finally I found this. An one stop place to read Twitter, Facebook, G+ or other timeline in one apps, with some bonuses.
Create Presentation in LaTeX using Beamer Class
You could do presentation using LaTeX you know, :) There’s class named Beamer It has some theme too, boadilla, goetingen, shadow, classic. I used several of ‘em several years ago but at now, influenced (or obsessed) by Steve Job’s Keynotes, I used the default theme, no slide or top or bottom navigation. I don’t like the bullet style of “itemise" or plain number of “enumerate” though. So I do little tweak to get through this, actually just two lines on the beginning. I set it to became square style (yup, the number is inside square, :) ) I used it since 2008, introduced by Mas Ardhi at UGM.
Post using Posts
Trying Posts App on iPad to post a blog post to blogger, :).
Minggu, males ngampus, sendiri di rumah, ide jahil muncul. Masakan Vegan ... Kupas beberapa kentang, potong besar-besar (atau kecil), cuci, masukkan panci.
Efisien (tidak)
"Mas, yang ini harus pake nota dulu" Kata mbak satpam cantik saat saya sedang ngantri di kasir tuk bayar evamat mini-nya Alfa tuk bikin "tower" (evamat yang di rumah biasanya tuk "garasi" karena besar). "Ohya? Lha tadi di sana gak ada petugasnya, saya kira langsung ke kasir" "Petugasnya merangkap di bagian elektronik mas, mari saya antar..." (dengan senang hati :) )
Retreat to Blog
Socmed semakin panas, Dua kubu makin aktif nge-junk (setidaknya bagi saya), ...tanpa sadar lambat laun menjadi semakin pasif di socmed dan lebih sering menyendiri bertapa di blog, menekuni kembali trik-trik lama di LaTeX, posting hal-hal baru tentangnya, usil ngelantur tentang berbagai hal. Paradox: karena hasil tulisan di blog muncul di timeline socmed, maka seakan-akan jadi semakin aktif posting, :)
Create Flowchart on Latex Using TikzPicture
You can place it under figure or directly on main text.
Just in Case Your Latex Figure Number Is not Synced and Show Section Number Instead
When a label is declared within a float environment, the \ref{...} will return the respective fig/table number, but it must occur after the caption. When declared outside, it will give the section number.
Test My Google Drive Presentation
compare with the one on my slideshare