Strange Deja Vu - Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
Strange Deja Vu - Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
Subconscious Strange Sensation Unconscious relaxation What a pleasant nightmare And I can't wait to get there again Every time I close my eyes There's another vivid surprise Another whole life's waiting Chapters unfinished, fading Closer now- Slowly coming into view I've arrived- Blinding sunshine beaming through
Lazarus on OS X 10.9
installing fpc fpc-src lazarus an all I got is this
Sumur tanpa Bayangan, Miring, Nol, dan Radioaktif
Sumur tanpa Bayangan, Miring, Nol, dan Radioaktif
"Jadi cara menentukan keliling bumi dan sumur adalah dengan cara membandingkan bayangan yang jatuh di sumur kita di siang hari tepat jam duabelas dan sumur lain yang tidak punya bayangan di tempat lain. "Jika kita tahu jarak kita ke tempat sumur tanpa bayangan tesebut maka kita bisa membuat perbandingan.
iBooks Author Supported Equation with Latex-style Input
Finally, the dream comes true :) Tonight, I give iBooks Author a try, ehm..., actually second (alright third...) try. I have it since Mountain Lion (or maybe Lion) on my mid 09 13 inch aluminium unibody macbook pro, installed and never touched. To be fair it's awesome, having simplicity of pages and keynote yet produce a powerfull, beautifull PDF (or ibooks) file. And guess what... When I scrambling toward menu, there's "Equation" item under "Insert" menu. Curious Clicked it and...
Jerawat Programmer
Jerawat Programmer
Selalu Minta Struk di SPBU
Selalu Minta Struk di SPBU
Beware of Apple ID Theft
I got this email The Frequently Asked Question link is right, it point to official apple website. But when I clicked "Verify Now" all I got is this
Laggy Mavericks and QuickLook that Neither Quick nor Look on Anything
Laggy Mavericks and QuickLook that Neither Quick nor Look on Anything
Overture 1928 / Strange Deja Vu
Media on Mavericks
Media on Mavericks
Screen on Mavericks
Screen on Mavericks
How Fast is The New Mavericks
How Fast is The New Mavericks
My new OS X Maverick
My new OS X Maverick
Steve Vai - Windows to the Soul. The Song with Odd Time Signature
Studio Rekaman Tak Terduga
Studio Rekaman Tak Terduga
Sudah lama tidak take dan mixing lagu sendiri, kangen juga. Malam-malam, semua sudah tidur. Buka laptop, buka aplikasi GarageBand dan take... action... .... loh, kok?
Urine Sapi, Rumput dan Kemarau
Urine Sapi, Rumput dan Kemarau
Saat ini rumput masih menjadi makanan utama sapi perah namun keberadaan rumput yang subur dan disukai sapi mulai jarang ditemukan secara bebas sehingga kegiatan "ngarit" (jawa: mencari rumput) sudah banyak ditinggalkan bagi pemilik sapi. Bagi pemilik sapi perah, sekarang lebih mudah membeli rumput gajah daripada mencari rumput di sawah atau hutan yang keberadaannya semakin jarang. Menanam rumput gajah sendiri juga bukan sebuah pilihan yang menarik karena harus merawatnya dengan memupuk dan mengairi; sebuah hal yang sulit sekarang di mana pupuk relatif mahal dan musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan dengan datangnya hujan yang sulit diprediksi.
Ini Takbir Keliling atau mp3 Player Keliling
Ini Takbir Keliling atau mp3 Player Keliling
Tutup Radiator dan Reservoir
Tutup Radiator dan Reservoir
"Waktunya" Kurang Satu Jam
"Waktunya" Kurang Satu Jam
Lorenzo Won, horee...
Lorenzo Won, horee...
Tombo Ati (Carnaval Version)
Tombo Ati (Carnaval Version)
Tamba ati iku lima sak wernane ... (backing vocal: GOYANG THITHIK JOSS...) Maca Al Qur'an angen-angen sak maknane Kaping pindho shalat wengi lakonana (backing vocals: BUKAK SITHIK JOSS ) .....
Lunch; Madhang
Alpha's learning to eat by himself, :)
Front Row Replacement on Mountain Lion
Front Row Replacement on Mountain Lion
I realized that OS X Mountain Lion didn't have Front Row anymore; in fact, it deprecated since release of Lion. I just got RowMote Pro on my iPhone and want to test it on Front Row and... nothing happenned.
Timer For Sleepy Eyes on Retractor Headlight
Here's the application of previous post on PCB dot matrix. I don't applied it to my Mazda 323F Astina Popup yet.
Timer for Sleepy Eyes
Here my search result of IC 555 application that very close to what I want; the Pivot Headlight Retractor like Sleepy Eyes on my Mazda 323F Astina the 555 timer is set to turn on the buzzer when the push switch is pressed; the buzzer sounds for approximately 8 seconds. This is a monostable circuit as it works only once. The switch must be pressed again for the buzzer to sound again. Well, almost there, but I do need more...
Metal Zone dan Dive Bomb
Efek Boss Metal Zone (MT2) sangat cocok digunakan untuk divebombing. Dengan setelan gain agak tinggi, fret manapun akan menjerit dengan sedikit sentuhan dan petikan serta tukikan whammy bar.
IC 555
Setelah muter-muter cari diagram persamaan untuk Pivot Retractor Headlight untuk bikin Sleepy Eyes di Astina tanpa hasil, akhirnya berkesimpulan, kenapa tidak buat timer sendiri saja?  Browsing dan ... Tentu saja yang muncul paling atas adalah IC klasik 555 yang tersohor itu. Sempat bingung karena lama tidak otak-atik perangkat elektronika, tapi sleepy eyes harus berhasil, :). Karena itu saya menyempatkan diri buka datasheet IC 555 dan mempelajari karakteristik IC timer ini.
CMS dan Keamanan Website
CMS dan Keamanan Website
Saat ini sedang populer penggunaan CMS pada berbagai laman web. Kita sudah tidak begitu asing dengan blogger, wordpress, moodle dan joomla. CMS (Content Management System) adalah sebuah sistem komputer yang dapat mempublikasi, menyunting, memodifikasi konten, melakukan pengaturan dan pemeliharaan sebuah halaman web dari sebuah halaman saja tanpa perlu pengetahuan bahasa pemrograman web.
Relay Single Pole Double Throw
Relay Single Pole Double Throw
'Mas, ada relay' 'Ada' (Ambil box berisi macam-macam relay, disodorkan satu) 'Yang lima kaki'  ... 'Yang ada 'a'nya atau tidak' [yes, lega] 'Iya iya, yang ada 'a'nya' 'OK, berarti sampeyan mengerti' (Ambil box satunya sambil senyum ceria) 'Memang kenapa mas?' 'Biasanya kalo jawabnya 'terserah' atau gak bawa contoh, saya gak menjual yang lima kaki, takutnya salah' '...' 'harganya 30rb mas karena ada 'a'nya, kalo yang tidak ada cuma 25rb' 'Beli DUA mas' ...
Rainbow in the Morning
Captured it as I wake up
Fractal in Life
Captured at alley near my home
(Update) Retractor of Popup Headlamp Wiring on My Mazda 323F Astina
Retractor Headlight on My Mazda 323F Astina
Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo
Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo
Merpatiku buat sarang lagi horee...
Tes with pic
tes platform baru blogger tuk twitter  mau diotak-atik ke fb juga; dibuat autopost
tes lagi
tes lagi
tes: tes platform baru blogger tuk twitter  mau diotak-atik ke fb juga; dibuat autopost
tes platform baru blogger tuk twitter mau diotak-atik ke fb juga; dibuat autopost
Fisika FluidDynamic Masjid
Fisika FluidDynamic Masjid
Internet Tethering via Bluetooth on iPhone and Mac
Internet Tethering via Bluetooth on iPhone and Mac
JavaScript support for Listing Package in LaTeX
JavaScript support for Listing Package in LaTeX
XFCE Display Manager with Opera on FreeBSD
Here is it, from the screenshot below you'll know that I'm trying download chrome but it apparently i got .exe chrome file installer for window albeit it's tell that I'll got linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuSE)
FreeBSD on VBox with OS X Host
I use boot-only-iso 64 bit and the problem instantly arise because of my impatience. Yup, I use 32 bit architecture on OS version setting (the first prompt in virtual box when we create new virtual machine). So change to 64-bit solved the problem, in some case, delete the vm and create whole new vm guarantee it.
MINIX on VBox with OS X Host
The installation is pretty straightforward and the documentation is easy to follow. So, here the screenshot on Mountain Lion, with cmatrix, vim and figlet installed.
Stuck on DFU or Recovery Mode or Connect to Itunes Logo Loop on iPhone
Stuck on DFU or Recovery Mode or Connect to Itunes Logo Loop on iPhone
In the recent months, we've seen reports here and there of iPhones getting stuck in a restart loop. The black screen with the Apple logo shows up, holds for a while, and then disappears again; repeat ad infinitum. While it's not clear yet exactly what's triggering the issue (the complainants suspect that it may be a recent application update to blame), there is a tried and true way to get your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad or older iPod back to square one: either use recovery mode or do a DFU restore.  DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode is a means to getting your iPhone to interface with iTunes without iTunes automatically loading the latest version of iOS onto it (it skips the iBoot bootloader, for jailbreak aficionados). Differing from recovery mode -- where iTunes restores your iPhone to its original factory settings but with the latest iOS and firmware -- DFU mode allows you to change and choose the firmware you want to install onto your iPhone. For instance, you would use DFU mode if you want to install a previous version of iOS, jailbreak your iPhone or unlock your SIM. If (for whatever reason) standard recovery isn't working for you to get your device back to working condition, DFU may help you out.
Monte Carlo PI
Monte Carlo PI
Matrices in JavaScript?
Matrices in JavaScript?
Vector in JavaScript?
Vector in JavaScript?
Mencari Pi
Mencari Pi
Jumlah iterasi: Nilai Pi Mencoba tanpa webworker. Pi dapat dihitung dengan kode berikut var Pi=0, n=1, c=100000; for (var i=0;i<=c;i++) { Pi=Pi+(4/n)-(4/(n+2)); n=n+4; } perintah dalam tag
Hello Canvas World
Hello Canvas World
See the Avengers Face on Kebab Store
My Blackberry Experience (part3)
My Blackberry Experience (part3)
Web Worker on HTML 5
Web Worker on HTML 5
My Blackberry Experience (part 2)
My Blackberry Experience (part 2)
My Blackberry Experience (part 1)
My Blackberry Experience (part 1)
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