an all I got is this
"Jadi cara menentukan keliling bumi dan sumur adalah dengan cara membandingkan bayangan yang jatuh di sumur kita di siang hari tepat jam duabelas dan sumur lain yang tidak punya bayangan di tempat lain.
"Jika kita tahu jarak kita ke tempat sumur tanpa bayangan tesebut maka kita bisa membuat perbandingan.
Finally, the dream comes true :)
Tonight, I give iBooks Author a try, ehm..., actually second (alright third...) try. I have it since Mountain Lion (or maybe Lion) on my mid 09 13 inch aluminium unibody macbook pro, installed and never touched.
To be fair it's awesome, having simplicity of pages and keynote yet produce a powerfull, beautifull PDF (or ibooks) file.
And guess what... When I scrambling toward menu, there's "Equation" item under "Insert" menu.
Clicked it and...
I got this email
The Frequently Asked Question link is right, it point to official apple website. But when I clicked "Verify Now" all I got is this