Maybe it's just me, after upgrading from leopard to snowleopard to lion and finally mountain lion (always upgrade, no fresh install), this big cat suddenly refuse to index my Application. Whenever I type application name in Spotlight, it just show document, picture but not Application. Typing "macvim" bring me to macvim installation folder, macvim on the web but not Macvim apps. Spotlight setting clearly didn't ban Application folder, so maybe this is another Mountain Lion problem

Still looking for solution...

It seems that weakness of this big cat isn't resolved yet. I used Pages in my Desktop while the big one browsing trough web using safari for refence. When I switch (automatically, bad behaviour I think) to fullscreen on Pages, suddenly the other display become blank (not actually blank, just linen-like wall, or maybe canvas).

What I do here is wrap whole canvas on this program with a rectangle with opacity 0.1. So the code (under script tag) become like this:

Ini bukan spoiler. Hm, atau sebisa mungkin bukan spoiler, :) Sesore membaca Partikel, dengan Royyan yang tidur pulas disampingku.

For some reasons, I wasn't able to display canvas consist of object with array. Dunnow,...

Seeking solution...

UPDATE: It seems blogger didn't support prototype, so I have to improvise my code to adapt it.

The Code for this under the script tag
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