I installed it on new machine. Though it's not really installing for I just running the iso. My virtual machine is set without harddisk.

The OS boot very quick. But here the problem arise.

While GUI is included in this 8 Mb distro, I can't used it effectivelly soon. You know, my mac has dvorak keyboard layout, so what I typed come out as gibberish.

Just wandering around and landed in ibiblio, glaring at my mac screen the tiny core linux, just 10 Mb linux distro with GUI, wow… and I thought damnsmalllinux is small enough. This distribution is based on nothing, I mean it didn't based on large or old distro like ubuntu, debian or slackware like other mini distros that usually is stripped down version of its big distro.

I have Ubuntu 11.10 guest installation on my VBox on OS X Lion host. What the point of it? Yeah, first I want to create isolated environment that won't bring the headache if it destroyed. Second, I want to break that isolated environment so it can reach the world wide.

My Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot on virtual box have shared folder with host OS X Lion named 'vbox'. I used to typing command after login to mount that folder to my home directory. I mount it to falder named 'vbox' too using this command $sudo mount -t vboxsf vbox vbox.   However, at old time, I used to auto mount other partition that refused to automount (usually ntfs or other linux distros partition) at login by editing /etc/fstab

Saat terbaring kaku karena obat tidur dosis super, aku buka iTunes dan memainkan keseluruhan koleksi  lagu-lagu secara shuffle. Enak sekali tidur tanpa bisa bergerak sambil diiringi lagu-lagu yang kadang sangat sering kuputar, kadang ada yang sudah lama tidak kuputar, bahkan lupa kalu pernah punya lagu itu. Saat lagu "Tidurlah-tidur"nya Katon selesai, mulailah ketenangan tidurku terusik ketika "Under A Glass Moon"-nya Dream Theather mulai dimainkan oleh si Apple Mac. Lagu ini memiliki ketukan-ketukan yang berganti-ganti. Awalnya 6/4, sudah aneh, coba anggukkan kepala mengikuti nada-nadanya, anda akan dipaksa menganggukkan kepala saat seharusya anggukkan anda masih di atas. Saat melodi, hm , anda sakti kalo tahu itu birama berapa. Banyak lagu-lagu Dream Theather yang memiliki karakter seperti ini

Saat ini aku susah bergerak, bahkan untuk batuk pun susah karena perut terasa kram. Bukan karena terkena penyakit tertentu, melainkan karena obat tertentu. Tiga hari ini, tenggorokan terasa panas, bukan seperti batuk pilek biasa. Setelah periksa ke bidan desa, ternyata tenggorokanku ada semacam sariawan!!! Difteri, hm, sudah hampir dua tahun tidak mengalami lagi, bukannya ingin sakit sih, cuma gak bisa lupa sakit yang dua tahun lalu, suaraku sampe berubah jadi pecah kayak robot. Kalo bisa diatur agar suaranya bisa suara prime-tertz-quin sih tidak masalah, :(

This is improved from my python-based web based to display function. In this version, users have ability to input a function and then display it with it value for given variable to python-based web page. The code below will get input from users (if no input, the default value is sin(x)), parsed it to function python understand, and then eval it for given variable (in this code, x=10). After computed, it's inserted to template that resembling html code. Thus, since it's displayed in html style, we could add our customization (background, css, etc)

Eventually, we want interactivity when executing Python script. We want user to give input for some variable. It'll useful for, lets call, application form where user have to input her/his name, age, etc. On math field, user will have flexibility to input the function and range of variable used to computation.

After success displaying output using python based web, it's normal if we want to display the value of function with a range of variable. The code below will create web page hosted by Python 2.7 BaseHttpServer module. The page contains list of value of function sin(x)+x**2 at -7
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